Picking up six years after Resident Evil 2, the fourth game in the series follows a former cop (now US agent) Leon S. Kennedy to Europe on a top-secret mission to investigate the disappear...
True Crime: Streets of LA is the deepest combination of driving, fighting and shooting ever burned into one game. Take the role of rogue E.O.D. operative Nick Kang, assigned to the task of taking o...
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones follows the second ending of Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, in which the Prince kills the Dahaka, essentially saving Kaileena. The game opens with the P...
Seven years after the events of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, the Prince finds himself constantly hunted by a terrible beast known as the Dahaka. The Prince seeks counsel from an old wise ma...
In the year 2075, five years after the events of Red Faction, on Mars, the nanotechnology developed by Capek has been claimed by the Earth Defense Force (EDF). With this technology, the EDF commenc...
When new leaders in Russia attempt to rebuild the Iron Curtain, war escalates, casualties mount, hostages are taken, and the Ghosts are sent in. Take a highly skilled Ghost team through a series of...
Command Team Rainbow in their toughest mission yet. When one of your own is taken hostage, do you follow orders or do you break them in order to save the life of one of your own men? The next Rainb...
As terrorist attacks against the United States and Venezuela escalate, you are in charge of leading the last line of defense: Rainbow. In Rainbow Six 3, you will lead this top-secret task force ded...
Near Mint condition cards show minimal or no wear from play or handling and will have an unmarked surface, crisp corners, and otherwise pristine edges outside of minimal handling. Near Mint condition cards appear 'fresh out of the pack,' with edges and surfaces virtually free from all flaws. '
Lightly Played (LP)'
Lightly Played condition cards can have slight border or corner wear, or possibly minor scratches. No major defects are present, and there are less than 4 total flaws on the card. Lightly Played condition foils may have slight fading or indications of wear on the card face. '
Moderately Played (MP)'
Moderately Played condition cards have moderate wear, or flaws apparent to the naked eye. Moderately Played condition cards can show moderate border wear, mild corner wear, water damage, scratches , creases or fading, light dirt buildup, or any combination of these defects. '
Heavily Played (HP)'
Heavily Played condition cards exhibit signs of heavy wear. Heavily Played condition cards may include cards that have significant creasing, folding, severe water damage, heavy whitening, heavy border wear, and /or tearing. '
Damaged (D)'
Damaged condition cards show obvious tears, bends, or creases that could make the card illegal for tournament play, even when sleeved. Damaged condition cards have massive border wear, possible writing or major inking (ex. white-bordered cards with black-markered front borders), massive corner wear, prevalent scratching, folds, creases or tears. '